No action
Request offer
Offer sent
Offer accepted
Offer refused
Transit canceled
Transit in process
Transit Completed
Team embarkation
Team disembarkation
Clients/Contacts Database
Vessels Database
MSO Database including their certificates
Agents Database
Ports and Distances Database
Maritime Security Equipment Database
Daily reports of Company's sales
Transits database
Invoices and Income Database
Expenses Database
Monthly Statements (profit/Loss statistics)
Profit / Loss Calculations
Year by year sales and costs
.... and more

Maritime Security Logistics Application


International Armour has developed a multi function maritime security logistics software in order to make your business more and more easy.


Software is already in error free running mode - Version 1.0  - while it is day by day optimized according to your needs.


Through our MarSec software you can build,


- Clients/Contacts Database

- Vessels Database

- MSO Database including their certificates

- Agents Database

- Ports and Distances Database

- Maritime Security Equipment Database

- Daily reports of Company's sales

- Transits database

- Invoices and Income Database

- Expenses Database

- Monthly Statements (profit/Loss statistics)

- Profit / Loss Calculations

- Year by year sales and costs

- .... and more


Software is working in a network basis mode - unlimited users - under any Microsoft Windows Version and under security levels regarding who can use the program and in which level (User, Director, Admin).


In any question or problem you may face on installation contact us at