Our professional team is ready to answer all the needs of our customers and have knowledge to modify all our products to all the extremes that will satisfy even the most difficult tasks!

Core values of quality, reliability and innovations will continue to direct our team of scientist, engineers and technicians to lead the way to develop new defense and weather modification product.

Complies with the South African Constitutional right to bodily integrity,  freedom and security of the person (sec 12)

Complies with King IV Social and Ethics Committee requirements for best  practice in corporate governance in social & environmental health &  safety

Complies with the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights

Complies with the NATO standards for non-lethal or kinetic energy  weapons (2009) to:

“temporarily incapacitate a person without causing permanent  damage.”

Complies with the United Nations Human Rights Guide on Less-Lethal Weapons in Law Enforcement (2020):


Projectile mass: 8.42 grams (130 grain)


Diameter: 18mm standard 12 gauge and can be fired from a 12  gauge shotgun.


Speed: The projectile  is launched  at 135.6m/s  (445 fps).


Energy: The ammunition produces 77.5 Joules at the muzzle.  This is below the 80 Joules threshold as determined  by the Jon Henderson research.


Accuracy: The purpose of the fin design is to ensure that the  user has reliable and consistently accurate  ammunition. It is accurate to 40 meters (44 yards)  and  effective  out  to  100  meters  (110 yards).

The added advantage is that law enforcement units  greatly reduce law suits resulting from injuries to  innocent and/or peaceful protesters and  bystanders


Minimum  distance  to  prevent  serious injury: The ammunition was extensively tested on a ballistics  dummy as well as pig carcasses. It was determined  that the ammunition should not be used at a distance  of less than 10 meters (11 yards) as there is a 20%  probability of skin penetration.


Hardness of projectile: Projectile is manufactured by means of injection  molding to a hardness of 80 Shore. The propellant  remains moderately stable between -15 and +40  degrees Celsius.

Velocity differences of 15.25 m/s (50 fps) were  recorded at the 2 extreme temperatures.

Hardness  changed to 85 shore at -15 C and 73 shore at +40  degrees Celsius

Riot control grenades take two basic forms, chemical and kinetic.

Chemical grenades are designed to emit fumes that irritate or disable to the extent that they prevent persons from carrying out a chosen course of action, i.e. they quell rioters.

The primary requirement demanded of such agents is that they irritate or disable, but also they do no permanent damage.

For many years, the chosen irritant agent in riot control  was tear gas, a relatively harmless substance that des little more than bring tears to the eyes and impart a general feeling of choking and helplessness.

Tear gas is now generally known as CN, but its proper chemical name is alpha chloroacetophenon

Riot Control Grenades & Ammunition

Our professional team is ready to answer all the needs of our customers and have knowledge to modify all our products to all the extremes that will satisfy even the most difficult tasks!

Core values of quality, reliability and innovations will continue to direct our team of scientist, engineers and technicians to lead the way to develop new defense and weather modification product.

Our professional team is ready to answer all the needs of our customers and have knowledge to modify all our products to all the extremes that will satisfy even the most difficult tasks!

Core values of quality, reliability and innovations will continue to direct our team of scientist, engineers and technicians to lead the way to develop new defense and weather modification product.

Our professional team is ready to answer all the needs of our customers and have knowledge to modify all our products to all the extremes that will satisfy even the most difficult tasks!

Core values of quality, reliability and innovations will continue to direct our team of scientist, engineers and technicians to lead the way to develop new defense and weather modification product.

Our professional team is ready to answer all the needs of our customers and have knowledge to modify all our products to all the extremes that will satisfy even the most difficult tasks!

Core values of quality, reliability and innovations will continue to direct our team of scientist, engineers and technicians to lead the way to develop new defense and weather modification product.
Unique newly developed less-lethal riot and protest ammunition
Made from a rubber round with a straight shooting projectile, Accu-Ammo shoots accurately and effectively up to a distance of 40 meters. Unique from other less-lethal products on the market, Accu-Ammo’s accuracy and consistency can be relied upon.
Safe                         Accurate                          Effective
Why you need Accu-Ammo

The importance and need for an alternative method of crowd dispersal has been a long-standing necessity.
The major disadvantages of other rubber bullets are their high energy and inaccuracy.
Riot and Protest Ammunition sought out to remove these disadvantages from non-lethal ammunition by designing our own non-lethal round.
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