1.1. International Business Compliance: We engage in global partnerships exclusively with legally licensed entities, including companies, factories, and manufacturers involved in the production and trade of defense, security, and high-technology products or services. Our operations comply with all applicable international laws and regulations.


1.2. UN and Hellenic Republic Compliance: We adhere strictly to international standards, conducting business solely with countries and companies not subject to any sanctions or embargoes imposed by the United Nations or the Hellenic Republic (Greece).


1.3. Regulatory Adherence: Our activities are rigorously regulated and inspected by relevant governmental and police agencies in the respective countries of operation, ensuring compliance with all legal requirements.


1.4. Product-Specific Regulations: Certain specialized products, such as ammunition and firearms, necessitate End-User Certificates (EUC) or specific import and export permissions.


1.5. Client Engagement Criteria:


Legal Entity Requirement: We engage only with legal business entities and agencies authorized by their respective government and police authorities to purchase and import defense and security products.


End-User Certification / Import License: All buyers/end-users must furnish a duly signed End-User Certificate for the desired items or relevant Import Permission from the destination country.


Government Approval / Export license: All transactions require final approval from the respective Ministry of Defense or other governing bodies in the supplying country.

The export license is a government document granting the licensee the right to export a specific quantity of a commodity to a specified country and it's issued against a relevant import license or EUC issued by the end-user.


US Firearms Regulations: Automatic weapons sales are restricted to military or law enforcement entities in the USA unless sold within a Free Trade Zone to a Federal Firearms License (FFL) and ATF Form 6.


Western European Firearms Sales: In most Western European countries, sales are limited to semi-automatic weapons for certified business entities, provided these weapons are manufactured initially as semi-automatics and have not been modified from automatic versions.


Local and National Regulations: The sale of firearms is governed by the buyer's local and national firearm regulations.


Limited Private Sales: A select range of our products is available for sale to private individuals.


Third-Party Representation: Agents or representatives acting on behalf of third parties must present valid authorization to represent these entities.




2.1. Request for Quotation (RFQ): In our commitment to a transparent and efficient procurement process, INTERNATIONAL ARMOUR GROUP requests all potential buyers to submit an official Request for Quotation (RFQ) with all necessary details for evaluation by our Commercial Department. For RFQs submitted on behalf of another party (end-user), the applicant must provide legal authorization from the end user, confirming the requester's authorization to negotiate. This procedure ensures a seamless evaluation process, maintaining our standards for compliance and integrity in procurement activities.


2.2. Evaluation and Offer: Upon a positive assessment of the Buyer's RFQ by our Commercial Department, we will issue an official offer for the potential Buyer's evaluation and acceptance.


2.3. Offer Acceptance and Order Confirmation: Once our offer is accepted by the potential Buyer, we will issue an order confirmation for signing and stamping, along with requisite documents that the Buyer must complete, sign, and stamp.


2.4. End User Certificate (EUC) or Import Permission: Depending on the nature of the product, an End User Certificate (EUC) or  import permission is required, along with export permission from the exporter of the goods.

The EUC must be issued and signed by the end user. If the end user is a private company, it requires the co-signature of the relevant governmental entity from the end user’s country, or an import permission that is duly authorized and stamped by the same.

An import license is a document issued by a national government authorizing the importation of certain goods into its territory.

Each license specifies the volume of imports allowed, and the total volume allowed should not exceed the quota.

An End-user certificate, or EUC, is a document used in international transfers, including sales and arms provided as aid, of weapons and ammunition to certify that the buyer is the final recipient of the materials and is not planning on transferring the materials to another party.

The import license or the EUC must be issued and certified by the end-user Country and must be issued by a Governmental Authority that has the right to this


2.5. Down Payment for Production Security: A down payment is required to secure the production or provision of any agreed-upon quantities or in-stock goods. The down payment serves as a guarantee for the specified items.

This guarantee amount, stipulated in a corresponding invoice, is payable post-contract signing and is deducted from the final payment upon completion of the order or readiness of goods for export.


2.6. Pre-Shipment Inspection: If the buyer requests an inspection of the goods before payment in full and export, our company will arrange for an approved PSI company, such as Bureau Veritas, to conduct the inspection. The cost of this pre-shipment inspection will be the responsibility of the buyer.


2.7. Full Payment for Exported Goods: All goods intended for export must be fully paid for prior to shipment. No products will be dispatched without full payment.


2.8. Letter of Credit (L/C) Requirements: In cases involving an L/C, it must be confirmed and guaranteed by a top 5 international bank, subject to approval by our bank and bankers. All L/C-related expenses are borne by the Buyer (read more about L/C).


2.9. Provision of Export Documents: Upon full payment, we will provide the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Certificate, Packing List, and the Air Waybill (AWB) or Bill of Lading (BL) of the goods, including the final invoice issued in the Buyer's name.


2.10 Transportation Costs: Transportation costs are typically the responsibility of the Buyer, unless a different arrangement has been mutually agreed upon by the parties




If any interested party requests a pre-inspection of goods that are surplus or in stock and available to be shipped, or has a viewing request for the products, our company adheres to the following policy and steps:


a. Request for Quotation (RFQ): In our commitment to a transparent and efficient procurement process, INTERNATIONAL ARMOUR GROUP requests all potential buyers to submit an official Request for Quotation (RFQ) with all necessary details for evaluation by our Commercial Department. For RFQs submitted on behalf of another party (end-user), the applicant must provide legal authorization from the end-user, confirming the requester's authorization to negotiate. This procedure ensures a seamless evaluation process, maintaining our standards for compliance and integrity in procurement activities.


b. Evaluation and Offer: Upon a positive assessment of the buyer's RFQ by our Commercial Department, we will issue an official offer for the potential buyer's evaluation and acceptance.


c. Offer Acceptance: Once our offer is accepted by the potential buyer, we will arrange the inspection of the goods or the product viewing as follows:


- Proof of funds: In some cases manufacturers/owners of goods are requesting proof of funds before any further step.


- Inspection: This can be conducted (subject to owner of the goods consent) through an official and legal PSI (such as Bureau Veritas) at the buyer's expense and under our coordination.


- Product Viewing Requests: Our company will facilitate this through our local representative (subject to owner of the goods consent). This will include arranging a live video conference from the warehouse to provide the interested party with a full and live view of the products. The associated costs for this arrangement will be agreed upon in advance and will be borne by the interested party.




4.1. Time Frame for Export and Delivery: The timeframe required for the issuance of export licenses/permissions and the readiness of ordered goods for export and delivery to the end-user country is always subject to the laws and regulations of the exporter's country.


4.2. Potential Delays:  Delays in export licensing or delivery may occur due to various factors, including:


Force Majeure: is defined by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) as any unforeseeable and unavoidable event that prevents a party from fulfilling its contractual obligations. Please note that local restrictions imposed by the buyer's or end user's country do not constitute a Force Majeure event.


Responsibility of End User or Buyer: Delays resulting from issues on the end-user's or buyer's side, such as delays in End User Certificate (EUC) or import license issuance, typographical errors in EUC/import licenses leading to their invalidation, issuance of non-valid import licenses, failure to issue appropriate licenses, or missing required documents.


Non-Payment by Buyer: Delays due to the buyer's failure to make timely payments.


International Holidays: Delays caused by international holidays.  These delays are not the responsibility of the Seller, manufacturer, or exporter.


4.3. Additional Costs Due to Delays: Extra costs incurred due to the responsibility of the End User or Buyer, such as storage fees, interest charges, banking expenses, or any other related costs, are to be borne entirely by the Buyer/End User, payable against the relevant invoice(s).


4.4. Condition for Delivery: Goods are typically delivered only after full payment for all ordered items has been received. In cases where this condition is not met, a relevant contract and agreement must be in place to facilitate delivery.


4.5. Order Cancellation (Paragraph 5): Cancellation of any order or part thereof is subject to our established


4.6. Order Cancellation Policy (Paragraph 5). Cancellations must be submitted in writing by the Buyer or the End-User, with a clear explanation of the reasons for cancellation according to our Order Cancellation Policy.




5.1. Order Cancellation:  A confirmed order may be canceled without financial liability to the customer, provided the cancellation occurs within seven (7) days of order confirmation and before the order enters the execution phase. The execution phase includes the start of production or the processing of any required documents, such as import and export permits.


5.2. Cancellation Charges Based on Order Stage: Cancellation charges applied to a confirmed order will depend on its stage of progress and will be the responsibility of the customer.


5.3. Cancellation After Export License Application: If an order is not in production but an export license has been applied for, the customer will incur a cancellation fee equal to one percent (1%) of the order cost.


5.4. Cancellation During Production


- Within Seven (7) Days: If the order is in production at the time of cancellation and within seven (7) days from the order date, the cancellation fee will be thirty percent (30%) of the total order cost. This amount is non-refundable if already paid.


- Beyond Seven (7) Days and Up to Thirty (30) Days: If the cancellation occurs beyond seven (7) days but within thirty (30) days from the order date, the cancellation fee remains thirty percent (30%) of the total order cost. This amount is non-refundable if already paid. If not paid, the customer must settle it upon receipt of an invoice.


5.5. Cancellation During or After Production


If the order or part of it is in progress or has been completed and the customer decides to cancel for reasons other than force majeure, any payments made are considered non-refundable.

This applies regardless of whether the customer has received written notification (via email or other communication channels such as WhatsApp, Telegram, or Viber) about the order's status.

In such cases, the company reserves the right to seek additional compensation for any outstanding debts or damages not covered by the advance payment.

This policy is designed to uphold our commitment to providing high-quality products and services while addressing the financial implications of cancellations.


5.6. Non-Refundable Payments


Refunds will not be issued if the customer, despite being notified in writing via email or communication platforms such as WhatsApp, Telegram, or Viber about the readiness of their order, fails to meet their financial obligations within ten (10) calendar days due to:


(a) inability to pay and accept the ordered products,

(b) indifference to payment and acceptance of the products,

(c) silent cancellation of the order,

(d) avoidance of payments for shipping or other incurred expenses, or

(e) any other reason not related to force majeure.


In such cases, if the customer cannot resolve the issue through a new sales agreement within ten (10) days upon request, they will forfeit both the payments made and the produced order.


This includes any outstanding balance payments, submission of necessary export documents, and resolution of issues required for the export and transportation of the products.


5.7. Non-Reimbursable Costs and Expense Charges: Costs related to transportation, storage, customs authorities, cancellation or issuance of export permits, and handling are non-refundable and will always be borne by the customer. This policy ensures a transparent and fair framework for both the company and its customers, aligned with professional and responsible business practices.


5.8. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising from or related to this cancellation policy will be resolved in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable in the jurisdiction where the company is registered. The parties agree to attempt to resolve any disputes through negotiation and, if necessary, mediation before pursuing legal action.


5.9. Force MajeureOur company shall not be held liable for any failure to perform its obligations under this policy if such failure is due to events beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to natural disasters, war, strikes, or other events of force majeure. In such cases, the company will notify the customer as soon as possible and will work to mitigate the impact of the force majeure event on the order.




INTERNATIONAL ARMOUR GROUP, as a responsible and reputable company, wishes to formally notify all our valued clients of our strict policies and procedures regarding business dealings and representation.


We wish to clarify that INTERNATIONAL ARMOUR does not engage in any business relationships or collaborations with companies or entities claiming to be our dealers, co-operators, agents, or representatives through internet websites, forums, B2B web pages, or any platform that resembles our company's identity. The only exception to this is when such entities possess a valid representation letter issued by us, which can be duly verified through our official channels.


In the event that you encounter any questionable or fraudulent communication from an entity lacking the necessary credentials from INTERNATIONAL ARMOUR, we kindly request you to promptly report such instances to us via email at contact@armour.gr or  info@interarmour.eu or info@international-armour.com. Your vigilance in this matter is greatly appreciated.


Furthermore, we want to emphasize that, apart from our official Directors and authorized personnel, no other entity possesses the authority to engage in negotiations, discussions, document signings, or any actions that commit our company legally or financially. Any entity seeking to act on our behalf must hold a legally sanctioned authorization letter issued by INTERNATIONAL ARMOUR. This authorization letter will be clearly identifiable by the company's signature and stamp, accompanied by specific instructions, permissions, a defined scope of authority, and a validity date.


It is imperative to note that INTERNATIONAL ARMOUR cannot be held responsible if you become a victim of fraudulent deals or commitments with any entity lacking the necessary credentials and authorization from our company.


For your reference, please be aware that any email communication purportedly from INTERNATIONAL ARMOUR that does not originate from our official domains (@armour.gr or @international-armour.com or @interarmour.eu) should be considered fraudulent and invalid.


We thank you for your continued trust and cooperation as we uphold the highest standards of integrity and security in all our business interactions.

Incoterms 2010
L/C Overview
Incoterms 2020
Code of Ethics
RFQ Form