Hydrographic survey is the most common and well-developed field in which unmanned surface vehicles are applied.
Such surveys usually take long sail time and constant back and forth round-turns, posting significant challenges to the safety and wellness of surveyors.
The autonomous navigation system of our Hydrography survey USVs can release personal from such repeated, tedious works.
Besides, with close cooperation with instrument manufacturers, our USVs are designed to provide the best support for instruments, such as single beam echo sounder, multibeam echo sounder, side-scan sonar, and ADCP to acquire high-quality data.
Unique hull design, low noise engine, and advanced navigation algorithm are the core technologies that keep us leading in the industry.
Autonomous Survey Boat SL20
RC water sampling boat SS20
ME120 Hydrographic Unmanned Surface Vehicle
Autonomous Hydrographic Survey Boat M40
Autonomous Surveillance & Rescue Vessel M75
MC120 High Efficiency Cleaning
Single battery lifetime 6 hours, can clean up 360kg of rubbish per day in maximum. At lease 4 times the efficiency compared to traditional cleaning methods.
M40P is a multi-purpose surveying unmanned surface vessel (USV) platform for estuary, on-shore, and off-shore applications.
RC Survey Boat SL20Y
Autonomous Survey Boat SL40
Autonomous Survey Boat ME40
RC Survey Boat SL40Y
RC Survey Boat CL40Y
Autonomous Survey Boat M80
The UFV is a 24/7 autonomous unmanned fire fighting vessel conceived with fast response in mind. With independent berth departure and collision avoidance route navigation, the UFV transits faster and safer to the fire location. The dynamic positioning and monitor aimpoint corrections enhances fire fighting effectiveness with minimal operator interventions.