What is 29+1?
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(*) Mandatory fields
- The signatory of this form declares under a penalty of perjury that all the above details are valid.
- The signatory of this form declares under a penalty of perjury that the company mentioned above is not listed in/or associated with any other Company or individual in the Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List.
(*) Company Firm/Name:
(*) Company’s occupation:
(*) Registered Country:
(*) Registered Address:
(*) City:
(*) Tax or VAT number:
Registration number:
(*) Office Phone(s):
Company’s Website (URL):
(*) Email:
(*) Contact person:
(*) Contact person Cellular phone(s)
Contact person WhatsApp:
Products you merchandize/manufacture:
Your comments/remarks:
(*) Your Bank Name and County

Below details are for our internal use (commercial department records).
Fill out the below form or use the PDF Form             which you can send it by email at contact@armour.gr