Radar-optical complex for site security and UAV suppression “DVINA”
Radar-optical complex for site security and UAV suppression “DVINA” is designed to provide comprehensive monitoring of the air situation for the detection and recognition of various types of air objects, including small-size and lowspeed UAVs, as well as to ensure ornithological security in the area of airfields.

It is possible to operate together several complexes to ensure the best control zone in the area of the protected site

- Solid-state surveillance x-band 3D radar (basic)
- Optoelectronic system (OES) (option)
- Radio monitoring subsystem (RMSS) (option)
- Electronic control subsystem (ECSS) (option)
- Built-in ADS-b (automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast)(option
Radar-optical complex for site security and UAV suppression “DVINA” is designed to provide comprehensive monitoring of the  air  
situation for the detection and recognition of various types of air objects, including small-size and low-speed UAVs, as well as to  ensure  
ornithological security in the area of airfields.

It is possible to operate together several complexes to ensure the best control zone in the area of the protected site.
Measurement of targets three coordinates with SD (standard deviation):

- Range – no more than 10 m
- Azimuth – no more than 0.2 degrees
- Tilt angle (in the area where the upper and lower ray diagrams inter-  sect) – no more than 1 degree
- Wavelength range: from 2.5 up to 3.75 cm

Detection zone in azimuth: 360 degrees

Detection zone by tilt angle: from 0 up to +30 degrees

Detection of UAVs and small-size targets with RCS of 0.2 m² at  ranges: from 300 m up to 15 km and altitudes up to 1.5 km.

Azimuth search rate: 2.5 s

Main radar features:

- 3D radar
- Different targets types recognition (aircrafts, helicopters, small-size  UAVs, birds)
- Average power of radar transmitter: 50 W
- Dual polarization
- Adaptive moving targets selection system
- Two ranges operation mode (20 km and 40 km)